DMR NET Riddler
DMR Net riddler
DMR Brandmeister TG 314093
Coffeyville & Bartlett Repeaters / CC: 5
How to Play:
Starting the Game:
The Net Control Operator (NCO) announces the start of the "Net Riddler" game and explains the rules.
Each riddle will be read twice before participants are allowed to answer.
Participants call in with Call Sign and wait for NCO to acknowledge them.
The first correct answer wins the round.
If no one answers correctly, the NCO provides a hint, and participants can guess again.
Each correct answer earns 1 point.
No penalties for incorrect answers, but participants must wait for others to try before guessing again.
Time Limit:
Players have 30 seconds to answer after the riddle is read (or after each hint).
The NCO moves on to the next riddle if no correct answer is given.
The participant with the highest score at the end of the game is the "Net Riddler Champion."
All net participants are encouraged to join.
Callsign Usage:
All responses must begin with the participant’s callsign (e.g., "K5XYZ with the answer").
The NCO provides a hint if no correct answer is received after the first round of guesses.
Hints become progressively more revealing.